Responsibility for people and nature


Because our headquarters is situated in the Berchtesgaden Alps at the edge of the Alpine National Park, we are particularly aware of our responsibilities concerning nature and sustainability.


Careful use of water, energy and raw materials, noise control and the prevention of air and soil pollution are important obligations that we work hard to meet at our two plants and in all of our process.

Careful and sensible use of energy and environmental resources is firmly anchored in our management system. Every single employee is responsible for environmentally sound behavior in his or her area. Regular training raises awareness in the workforce of the concerns of active environmental protection in the company. In our environmental and CO² balance sheet, we regularly review the results of our actions.

We use water consistently to cool our machines and supply the waste heat to the heating system. Through cooperation with scientific institutes, we actively support the return of used raw materials into the recycling economy. We work with our customers in an effort to produce environmentally friendly vehicles and, as partners of the international automotive industry, make our contribution to electromobility.


Our company is guided by our environmental and energy policy and has been certified to ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 50001:2018 at both locations since 2012. As a partner in the Umwelt- und Klimapakt Bayern environmental agreement, we are closely networked and work intensively on ongoing developments.

You can find our certificates here.