As a manufacturer of plastic-metal composite parts, reel-to-reel overmolded contact parts, assemblies, plastic injection-molded parts and stamped parts for international industry, we are fully aware of our social responsibilities. As a subsidiary of the KERN-LIEBERS group of companies, we are also part of a global network.
Strengthening cooperation
Through systematic cooperation with and in organizations and associations, universities, scientific institutes and public institutions, we use these contacts to think ahead of current trends, to exchange experiences, to provide ongoing training and to ensure that our skills and ideas flow back into these various bodies.
Protecting natural resources
Because our headquarters is situated in the Berchtesgaden Alps at the edge of the Alpine National Park, we at psm protech are particularly aware of our responsibilities concerning nature and sustainability. Careful use of water, energy and raw materials, noise control and the prevention of air and soil pollution are important obligations that we work hard to meet at our two plants and in all of our process. We are certified to ISO 14001 and participants in Bavaria's Umweltpakt Bayern environmental agreement.
Promoting regional institutions
We take our regional responsibilities seriously and support the Berchtesgadener Land Student Research Center, which offers orientation in the STEM fields, both financially and through our participation. We also support schools and clubs locally with their youth work. For us, this is the best possible investment in the future. In addition, we support the volunteer fire department and the mountain and water rescue services, and we are pleased to note that so many of our employees are volunteers working in these organizations.
Supporting employees
We live and work with a well-functioning health and safety management system. With our Health project group, we actively foster the health and well-being of our employees in the workplace with offers relating to exercise, nutrition, ergonomics and knowledge.
Sticking to standards
We have made a written undertaking to comply with the anti-corruption policy of the KERN-LIEBERS group of companies and are advocates of the principle of strict legality with respect to all actions, measures, contracts and other processes at our company. Similarly, we expect our suppliers to comply with applicable laws, the fundamental principles of the United Nations Global Compact and this code of conduct governing business activities.
psm protech works actively with:
- IBU sheet metal forming industry association
- Member of the board of bayme, region of Southeast Bavaria
- Regional Committee of the IHK Munich and Upper Bavaria, Berchtesgadener Land
- Business Development Corporation Berchtesgadener Land
- Employment Agency Management Committee, Traunstein
- Advisory Board of AOK Bad Reichenhall
- Berchtesgadener Land Student Research Center
- Business Venture Senate of the City of Zalaegerszeg
- German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
We cooperate with:
- Technical University of Munich
- Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences
- Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen Munich